
React and Redux

React on it's own is a fairly strightforward library to use once you understand the basics of components and state. What becomes challenging is using global authentication and global state. I decided to make a full stack MERN applicaiton to learng…

Node.js Express Dashboard with MongoDB

I put together an example web application to learn more about the process of creating dashboards as well Node.js, Express and MongoDB. MongoDB was chosen to gain familarity with it and the concepts of document collections. Express was chosen for it's…

Data visualization, charts and API's

I felt my Django demo site needed a bit more flare to it, so I decided to add a nice little chart to visualize some of the data about book copy availability. At first, it seemed like I simply need to add a charting library such as Chart.js but I soon…

Django App Basic Text Search

Checking the dependencies on my Django demo app from time to time to time on Heroku, I noticed a few packages were out of date. So while I got to updating all packages to the most recent stable versions, I found the app to be lacking a popular option…

Procedural City Game Basics

This past weekend I had some time to explore game development. City building is one of my favorite genres, so I looked into it and decided to experiment with a procedurally generated city. While there are a lot of basic tutorials out there, nothing…

Django web app demo

Developed and deployed a Django web app. Highlights: Being well versed in Python, I decided to give web apps a try. To that end I started learning about Django. I read the official documentation and also did a tutorial offered by Mozilla Developer…

Statistics and Finch Evolution

Data: Darwin's finches on Daphne Major Island. Methods: Graphical and quantitative EDA, parameter estimation, confidence interval calculation & hypothesis testing. An analysis of evolutionary data of finches scandens and fortis. This is a my own take…

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